Sunday, March 8, 2009


I hope that the information below, especially the details demonstrated via the embedded link, will stimulate the review, discussion and debate it obviously deserves. While it is clearly unfortunate that the accompanying commentary focuses more on ideology and political posturing rather than on the very crucial issue that it purports to support, no one can reasonably deny the seminal issues raised and the legitimate concerns those on either side of the argument will inevitably have.

Please go to the embedded link and let's have an intelligent discussion on the substance of the issue. I for one will not respond to any contribution which seeks to assign responsibility or blame based on political allegiance or the demonizing of individuals. There is no doubt that there is indeed a moral as well as scientific aspect to the matter. I certainly appreciate and understand this but I also believe that it is possible for the debate or discussion of the subject in question to be conducted rationally from both perspectives. This may even be necessary if we are to gain any value from the examination of the remarkable developments revealed here.

I have attempted to verify the authenticity of the information but am unable to do so. This leaves me in the unenviable position of having to trust the source of the mail. Hopefully some subscriber to this blog will be more successful at this than I. In any event the subject is obviously worthy of discussion and debate. The mail along with its embedded link follows.

Amazing information. Someone asked me, "If this is so developed, why aren't we hearing more about this in the medical circles?" You may ask the same question after seeing the video. Click on the link below. This begs the question, why do we need embryonic stem cell research? Why "create" little human beings solely for the purpose of harvesting their stem cells and then killing them? People like President Obama and our left leaning politicians are so determined to create baby embryos to be used for harvesting embryonic stem cells and later destroyed, that they do not want the public to know about the tremendous advances being made in adult stem cell research. Their philosophy, based on Darwinian evolution and practiced by Marx and Stalin, is that people are nothing more than cells in the body politic and that the government can use or excise them as it see fit for the good of society in general. Their goal is to eventually clone human beings. That is why President Obama has reversed President George W. Bush's ban on embryonic stem cell research. That is why they lie to the uninformed public stating that we are against stem cell research when what we are against is embryonic stem cell research. These people have no moral values whatsoever. They reject God and His creation and worship a god of their own creation which they call "science". They talk about "Mother Nature" but deny "Father God" because they think that science can control, or at least manipulate, Mother Nature.

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